So, inquiring minds want to know: what's your online routine? Every time I sit down in front of my computer, I wind up staring at Facebook. It's less than amusing most of the time, but the addiction is solidly in place. Leave me a comment and tell me which URLs your fingers automatically type when you sit at your desk! Teach some librarians how to stay in touch with you whipper snappers.
In the mean time, here are a few links to other places that I think you might enjoy visiting.
XKCD is a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language, according to the website. Hilarious stick figures are what draw me in.
Hyperbole and a Half is a blog full of the musings of a really funny chick who creates crazy drawings in Paint. At least, I think it's Paint. Almost a webcomic, but not quite.
I'm a librarian, so of course I had to throw some books at you. Really, though, this website does a swell job of informing readers about the best upcoming YA books. Even if you think you're too mature for YA books, you'll probably be reading them when you're thirty and longing for your younger days, so why not get a head start?
Figment is a social neworking community for writers. Post your stuff and get feedback! Also, it's really pretty.
Pixel Girl Presents is my favorite source for awesome desktop backgrounds. They also offer stuff for your phone, iPad, etc. The art is really snazzy.
This is a visual bookmarking site. Keep track of photos and videos you love, and you'll never find yourself searching Google endlessly for that hilarious picture you KNOW you saw somewhere. Believe me. I've done it.
This is just a bookmarking site in general. Save links to websites you want to visit again and tag them for easy retrieval. Also, browse other people's public tags to discover new sites you'll love. Just be careful when you create your tags. I have tags for things like "pop_up_shark," which I can assure you I will never use twice.
Get news updates from all over the web. Being informed is good.
I'm sure there are thousands that I missed, so fill me in!!
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