This is very cool. Greg Pak and R.B. Silva have published a new free comic under a creative commons license. That means that anybody is free to read and recreate the book as they see fit, as long as the result is noncommercial (you can't sell it!). Characters, storyline, and even images are up for grabs. The creators actually want people to create new works based on their book.
The plot sounds pretty awesome, too:
"In the year 2061, three friends grapple with revolutionary change when Sprout Computers releases the most visionary piece of personal technology ever created. The latest sci-fi mindbender from writer Greg Pak ("Planet Hulk") and penciller R.B. Silva ("Jimmy Olsen")."
The product is called iEye, and it's a recording device people can use anytime, anywhere, to record anything. The catch is that all of these recordings are monitored, and content is policed for copyright infringement-- meaning that simply singing your favorite song as you walk down the street could get you a cease and desist order for breaking the law.
Take a look and see what you think! I'd love to see some local teen creations based on this comic!