Do you feel supported by your community?
59% have felt voiceless at one time in their lives
54% have been subjected to physical force from someone in their home
40% do not trust that when they tell a teacher about an issue, that they really care and will help
37% have witnessed their parents/guardians hitting each other
31% have been touched in an unwelcomed way by someone close to them
18% have been in a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend who used physical force with them
See the full survey here. The website offers links to resources for young women experiencing such problems. Reading the survey made me think about teenage boys, too. What issues do boys face at home and in the community that might cause them to struggle with self esteem? A websearch led me to a study conducted by the US Department of Health and Human Services which addresses challenges faced by young men, as well as potential solutions. View that study here.
If you are a teen struggling with abuse, neglect, or plain old dysfunction at home or eslewhere, the libraries offer resources to help you establish goals and grow beyond the struggle! You can find links to a variety of websites for teens at the HDPL Teen Spot: http://www.mypubliclibrary.com/teenspot/itsyourlife.html. The websites provided here offer everything from advice, to information about abusive relationships, and even college and career info. If you don't find what you're looking for there, we have plenty of nonfiction books in the library to help with issues, and we also offer plenty of fiction that might help brighten your day! Check out the catalog here. You could even think about attending a teen event at your nearest library. One of the best ways to develop self esteem and feel better about life is to find new hobbies and meet people! We offer weekly teen events for all kinds of interests. What's the bottom line? The Teen Services Librarians at Henderson Libraries are here to help you find the information you need to improve your life. We'd love to see you in the library.
Teen Volunteers Recommend
See if it's available at your library!
Sophie is cursed by the Witch of the Waste. She leaves town and her little hat shop, and she hops aboard Howl's Moving Castle. Unbeknownst to her, Howl has a mysterious past full of wizardry and magic. Sophie meets new friends, has one huge adventure, and has mix ups of her own. Read the book to find out the full story!
Another shnawesome (my personal word) book of mystery, full of puzzles to be figured out and magic. Jones puts it together nicely with lots of "Gotcha!" twists I never expected. I didn't want to put it down! Sophie's adventures are always different, along with the other characters'. Jones is talented and writes a mystery-filled magic book well. I would put it next to Harry Potter.
Teen Volunteers Recommend

Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne. Reviewed by Sierra L.
The great professor Hardwigg, his nephew Harry, and their Icelandic, elder duck hunter Hans, go on a perilous adventure hoping to retrace Arne Sakkenasms’ journey to the center of the earth.
How Did You Like It?
Overall, I enjoyed this book by Jules Verne for a variety of reasons. Though I usually tend to avoid sci-fi and fantasy novels, this was quite imaginative and really made you think about their options and situation. Though the beginning was rather slow and monotonously flowing, it picked up and got really creative. This novel also was very factual and any reader could easily see how informed Verne was. At some parts, the plot became too far-fetched to believe, at others, too intriguing to stop. As I said, recollecting on the novel, it was interesting, but at parts I literally fell asleep. If fantasy lands excite or entertain you, testing scientific theories and laws is suspenseful, then “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” by Jules Verne will be perfect for you.