From, here are a bunch of ideas to keep fall fun. Head over to the
actual site for how-to links!
1.Drink apple cider.
2.Make a friendship bracelet and send it to your friend.
3.Start or update a checking account.
4.Plan a Harvest Party.
5.Plan a Halloween Party.
6.Plan a fun filled trick with friends.
7.Hike a rail trail and check out the fall foliage.
8.Ride a trail on a ATV.
9.Stuff a scarecrow.
10.Make a leaf rubbing.
11.Make a gravestone rubbing.
12.Tell a ghost story.
13.Take a picture looking up into a fall foliage tree with your cell phone and send it to a friend.
14.Write a note to a friend that is far away.
15.Leave a motivational quote on a friend's social networking page.
16.Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you.
17.Play a murder mystery game.
18.Make a fall or Halloween pin using our safety pin patterns.
19.Make falling leaves earrings.
20.Visit a corn maze.
21.Make a blue jean craft for school.
22.Eat candy corn.
23.Decorate for Halloween.
24.Take a hunters safety course and go hunting.
25.Attend a school football game.
26.Attend a high school soccer game.
27.Attend a school field hockey game.
28.Attend a volleyball game.
29.Learn a new make-up trick.
30.Write a haiku about a leaf you've found.
31.Offer free babysitting for one night to someone who could use the break.
32.Take pictures of the fall foliage.
33.Join a new school club or invite someone new to a club you are in.
34.Picnic at a local park.
35.Have an overnight movie marathon.
36.Have a bonfire/campfire complete with marshmallows.
37.Bike five miles.
38.Sketch a tree that is losing its leaves.
39.Play in a pile of leaves.
40.Volunteer in a community effort for your local food pantry.
41.Camp in your backyard.
42.Visit the local library and ask what is coming in that you may be interested in.
43.Sit or look outside and write a poem.
44.Sit or look outside and write a song.
45.Sit or look outside and write a play.
46.Start your novel.
47.Make a website.
48.Give your social networking page a fall look.
49.Friend someone famous on your social networking page.
50.Write in your journal, "My Top Ten Favorite Fall Activities".
51.Get your community's events list for the fall and attend an event.
52.Get a new hairdo.
53.Watch last year's cool fall flick on DVD.
54.Go to this year's cool fall flick in the theater.
55.Make a leaf t-shirt.
56.Make a fall leaf shaped collage out of fall fashion magazines.
57.Go pumpkin picking.
58.Go on a hayride.
59.Take your dog/pet for a mile-long walk.
60.Clean out and organize your junk drawer so you have room for this school year's junk.
61.Create a sidewalk mural with chalk, use a fall theme.
62.Have a fall color scavenger hunt.
63.Make a Taffy Apple Pizza Dessert for your family.
64.Write in your journal: "10 Things I'm Thankful For".
65.Got a sibling in college? Send them a goofy picture.
66.Read something that moves you emotionally.
67.Read something funny.
68.Take a poll of your friends on something you feel is an important issue.
69.Do a crossword puzzle.
70.Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
71.Learn one thing about your favorite actor/actress that you didn't already know.
72.Roast pumpkin seeds.
73.Collect pine cones for the holidays.
74.Make a new after school snack.
75.Start a new healthy habit.
76.Visit a historical site.
77.Play hopscotch.
78.Organize a yard sale.
79.Organize your favorite links.
80.Add a folder for homework help sites to your favorite links.
81.Add a folder for sites on a new interest to your favorite links.
82.Think of three ways you can make your life better. Employ at least one of them.
83.Create a family newsletter to send to your whole family.
84.Create a cartoon character.
85.Hug your parent, a friend and yourself.
86.Play Apples to Apples.
87.Join a book club.
88.Play with Magnetic Poetry.
89.Experiment and decide what way is the best way to eat leftover turkey - journal it.
90.Carve a Pumpkin.
91.Make a dream catcher.
92.Paint a funny face on a pumpkin.
93.Make place cards for dinner.
94.Change something about your bedroom.
95.Give your email signature a fall look.
96.Paint your nails in a fall color - toenails too!
97.Make Apple Cinnamon Lip Gloss.
98.Take a bath in Autumn Peach Bath Salts.
99.Create a school friends scrapbook album.
100.Learn how to make a favorite family recipe.
101.Write out your school holiday schedule on the family calendar.